Call us: (+34) 922 463204MO-FR 09:30-16:00 (local time)


Schedule of prices by Mantenimiento de Contacto SL.

We have guaranteed quality and fair prices for more than 30 years.

All prices plus 7 % IGIC (V.A.T.). Recent updates, corrections or changes may not be included. * Discount prices for customers with house management contract

Holiday homes

You will find prices for the individual houses in the holiday home list.

Skilled Laborers and Construction Workers

Item Price
Foreman / hour 50 €
Caretaker / h 20 €
Skilled laborer / h 25 €
Laborer / h 25 €

Prices plus transport, respectively delivery. Special machinery on request.

Information may vary depending on raw material prices

Tax representation

Item Price
Person per year 185 €
Married couple per year 245 €

Bureaucratic management

Item Price
Administrative appointments / h 30 €
Offices / h 24 €
Translations / h 24 €

Maintenance and Care

Item Price
Pool maintenance / month Under a budget €
House cleaning / h 16 €
Garden maintenance / h 16 €
Washing machine use including detergent 5 €

Mantenimiento de CONTACTO SL.
Calle Adolfo Suárez 13
E - 38760 Los Llanos de Aridane
Isla de La Palma

Phone +34 922 46 32 04 Phone +34 687 25 91 76

Fax +34 922 46 12 66

Email: contacto[at]
